Expressions of hope and wish

Expressions of Hope and Wish

•Pengertian: Wish dan Hope dipercaya merupakan dua kata yang mempunyai arti sama. Padahal keduanya berbeda pada konteks.

~Hope: hope merupakan harapan yang bisa diwujudkan dan sangat mungkin terjadi.

▪ I hope see you again one day.

▪ She hopes to be a successful designer.

Note: Hope+to infinitive (V1)

~Wish: Wish adalah harapan yang sulit diwujudkan bahkan bisa dibilang mustahil.

▪ I wish you luck on your engagement.

▪ Reina Wishes to get the first rank on this new semester.

Note: Wish+to infinitive (V1)


1. Mina    : What’s going on, Ra? You look so sad.

Kara    : My sister is sick and she is still hospitalized
Mina    : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is she now?
Kara    : She is getting better now
Mina    : Oh, ________
Kara    : I hope so

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is……

A. I hope she gets sick

B. I hope she looks so sad

C. I hope she will get well soon

D. I hope she is still hospitalized

2.The sentence that shows Expression of Wish and Hope can be found in sentence ...

A. I need a nice house

B. I like a nice house

C. I wish i had a nice house

D. I would like to a have nice house

3.Joni    : What’s up, Bro? How are you doing?

Alan    : Bad.
Joni    : What's wrong?
Alan    : My mother got sick. She has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical care.
Joni    : What happened to her?
Alan    : She suffered from TBC.
Joni    : I'm sorry to hear that. I (3) ________ your mom will get better soon.
Alan    : Yeah, (4) ________

The correct word to fill the blank number 3 in the dialogue above is ...

A. Talk

B. Congratulate

C. Try

D. Hope

4.Joni    : What’s up, Bro? How are you doing?

Alan    : Bad.
Joni    : What's wrong?
Alan    : My mother got sick. She has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical care.
Joni    : What happened to her?
Alan    : She suffered from TBC.
Joni    : I'm sorry to hear that. I (3) ________ your mom will get better soon.
Alan    : Yeah, (4) ________

The correct word to fill the blank number 4 in the dialogue above is ...

A. I doubt

B. I hope so

C. I don't think so

D. No comment

5.Kara    : My friend, Namira, is sick

Sunn    : ...

A. Congratulation on your sickness

B. I hope she will get well soon, my friend

C. Why are you sick?

D. Don't be sick

6. Demian           : I’m having my English test      this afternoon.

     Mom                : I wish you luck on your exam.

From the dialogue above, Mom shows an expression of…

A. Wish

B. Complimenting

C. Greeting

D. Satisfaction

7.Amara             : I’m having swimming lessons starting from next week.

Caden             : I hope that one day you’ll be a professional swimmer.

From the dialogue above, we know that Caden hopes that…

A. He will be a professional swimmer

B. Amara will be a great swimmer

C. You will be good at swimming

D. Amara can swim very well

8.Elle                  : I’ll be the only contestant from our school for the speech contest.     Stephan           : I wish you much success in it.

From the dialogue, we know that…

A. Stephan wishes Elle a good thing

B. Stephan hopes the best thing for himself

C. Elle is the winner of the speech contest

D. Elle and Stephan will join a speech contest

9.The following statements are the expressions of wish and hope, except

A. I wish to pass the test with a high score

B. I can be a much better story teller one day

C. I hope my parents are always proud of me

D. I hope to be able to attend the school event

10.Tiara  : What is the matter, Lara? You look       sad today?

      Lara   : My father is very ill and he has been   hospitalized since yesterday.

What is the most appropriate response for the man to say next?

A. I hope he will get better soon

B. I think you should take a rest

C. I am glad to hear that

D. I suggest your cheer up forever

Answer Key

1.C 6.A

2.C 7.B

3.D 8.A

4.B 9.B

5.B 10.A

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